Pet insurance
A pet is more than just an animal you care for, it's a part of your family. Every year, more than 1 in 3 pets is injured or falls ill. While veterinarians may seem to work miracles at times, it comes at a price. A single visit to the emergency room or vet's office can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. You should never have to feel like you need to choose between giving your pet the best care and medicine they deserve and your financial situation.
With pet insurance, you are better prepared for the future and any issues that you and your pet may encounter down the road. Don't worry about having to choose between an expensive treatment and your pet's life. Pet insurance covers your pet nose to tail.
What's Covered?
Many pets have accidents and develop a number of illnesses as they get older. Our pet health insurance covers:
Conditions that may be breed-specific or genetic
Chronic and recurring conditions
Emergency and specialist vet visits
Laboratory tests
Nursing care
Therapy and rehabilitation